896 Dunearn Rd, #01-12, Singapore 589472

+65 6539 9216

Customize Fine Art Classes

It’s never too late to start your artistic journey. Our adult art classes are perfect for those looking to unleash their inner artist and explore their creativity. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, our experienced instructors will guide you to creating works of art you never thought possible.

  • Customized Fine Arts
  • Advanced booking required
  • 2 hrs session
  • Small class size – 1-3 pax per class
  • Bring your preferred images/artistic ideas
  • Paint materials – Acrylic, Watercolor, Pencil, Maker Ink, Colour Pencil, Chinese Ink Painting• Canvas size – medium

Unleash Your Inner Picasso with Our Adult Art Classes!

Ready to tap into your inner artist? Look no further, our Adult Art Classes are here to help you bring your artistic visions to life! With a customized approach, you get to choose the images or ideas you want to work on, while we provide the materials. Whether you prefer the vibrancy of acrylics, the fluidity of watercolor, or the precision of pencils, we’ve get you going.

Our classes are intimate, with just 1-3 students per session, so you get plenty of one-on-one attention and guidance. Book your appointment today and let’s get those brushes and palettes ready for action!

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